Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1) Police chief calls on Papuans to 'remain calm' as 1 December approaches

1) Police chief calls on Papuans to 'remain calm' as 1 December approaches
2) No primary schools in over a thousand kampungs in Papua

3) Suspected OPM Member Police Shoot Dead 3

1) Police chief calls on Papuans to 'remain calm' as 1 December approaches

JUBI, 28 November, 2012

The police chief  of the district of Mimika, Jeremias Runtini has called on the people to 'remain calm' as1 December approaches. He said that people should act together to safeguard security and public order and should avoid getting involved in activities that tend towards subversion such as flying the Morning Star flag.

He said that to mark its anniversary, the OPM, Organisasi Papua Merdeka, the Papuan Freedom Movement, usually flies the Morning Star flag and other people join in this as well.

'There is nothing special about 1 December,' he said, adding that the police and the military will be patrolling the area, after mustering their men on Timika Indah Square,' he told journalists, as 1 December approached.

He said that in anticipation of people flying the Morning Star flag, his men will be mounting patrols throughout the region of Mimika. 'I very much hope that people will not get involved in activities that are in violation of the laws in force in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, 'especially bearing in mind that flying the Morning Star flag is regarded as an act of subversion and is therefore against the law.'

Repeating his call for people to 'remain calm' and avoid doing anything that is against the law,  he called on people to support all the development activities that are being undertaken. 'Let us join together and get involved in these development activities; I am ready to be a partner in these joint endeavours.'

He told journalists that during the three days approaching 1 December, the police will be at the top level of readiness during these three days.

'All of us must think positively and refrain from doing anything that is in violation of the law, so as not to disrupt peace and tranquillity.'

[Translated by TAPOL]
2) No primary schools in over a thousand kampungs in Papua
JUBI, 28 November 2012

Jayapura: The head of  the Education, Youth and Sports Service in the province of Papua, James Modouw, said that there are at least one thousand kampungs spread cross the province where there is no primary school.

'Of the more than four thousand kampungs in Papua,' he said, ' it is thought that around 1,047 do not have a primary school. It is also the case that throughout the district of Suru-Suru in the Regency of Asmat, there are eight kampungs none of which has a primary school. This does not include the regency of Yahukimo about which no data has yet been received.'

He said that the kampungs without a primary school are mainly in the mountainous regions of Papua. 'In the whole of the Bintang Highland Regency, there is not a single primary school,' he said. The same is true throughout the regencies of Lany Jaya, Puncak Jaya and Nduga. 'This is a matter that requires the attention of the local governments in these areas,' he said.

He said that the problem of the lack of availability of primary education in Papua should be resolved. 'We call on the local and municipal  administrations to  insist that adequate funds are made available for primary schools everywhere in the 2013 as to deal with the lack of schools and the widespread illiteracy among the Papuan people. He said that is calculated that thirty percent of Papuan children get no education at all.

[Translated by TAPOL]

[COMMENT: Over the years, we have read so many reports about the non-availability of teachers as well as healthcare workers in so many parts of West Papua. This is clearly an extremely serious matter indeed, a situation that clearly has not improved since the enactment of the Special  Autonomy Law in 2001, more than eleven years ago. No wonder Papuans are being thrust aside as more and more better-educated migrants from other parts of the country outnumber Papuans and take control of the territory's economy and administration. As is so often the case, Papuans are frequently described as being 'terbelakang' or 'backward'. So whose fault is that! TAPOL]
A google translate of article in Bintangpapua. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation.

3) Suspected OPM Member Police Shoot Dead 3
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 08:24
Suspected OPM Member Police Shoot Dead 3
Socratez: OPM's Struggle Not Kill-Kill People

AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK

JAYAPURA-Nahas override Kapolsek Pirime, Lanny Jaya regency, Ipda Rolfi Takubesi with two members, Brigpol Jefri Rumkorem and Brigadier Daniel Makuker. All three were shot dead and burned about 50 people from the group suspected OPM leader Yani Tabuni use of firearms and arrows when attacking Pirime Police Office, Tuesday (27/11) around 06.00 CET.

Head of Public Relations Papua Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK when confirmed after the event to express, when the incident police were inhabited Pirime four members including the police chief Pirime. Currently a member of the police reportedly survived the incident.
"So in that post at the time how many people there were 4 of 8 members. The information that one died at the flag pole may again raise the flag. Kapolseknya hand cut and burned, "he said.
Added, now a platoon Brimob and special teams from Papua Police are pursuing the attackers.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations, the perpetrators also made off with three organic revolver type weapon, AR1 and F5 Sabhara.
There were indications where the perpetrators fled, he said it could not confirm.
He said the police are still pursuing the attackers by deploying one platoon member Police Mobile Brigade and Special Teams Papua.

Socratez: Actors OPM Not Related to the attack that killed police chief Pirime Ipda Rofli Takabesi and two members who served in Pirime, Lani Jaya regency, Tuesday (27/11) at around 06:30 CEST, confirmed Socratez S Yoman, take pelakukan not OPM. "It's not OPM. OPM's struggle not kill people or kill the terrorist threat or intimidation of people, "he said when contacted Bintang Papua on Tuesday.

It is said that these measures are purely criminal. "I think I'm the head of the church people who had people in there, I think it's criminal, criminals can not be tolerated. That's not OPM, "he continued.
Anyone, emphasized not to blame OPM.
"The struggle of the OPM is an honorable struggle. Should not kill kill people like that. How disturbing officers performing their duties. OPM struggle that glorious struggle. And the apparatus that perform tasks country also is a noble task, "he said.
So, he was looking forward to the security forces to respond to such events wisely and in accordance with procedures and local communities together to find the perpetrators and took him to court for legal proceedings.
"People who are also my people there, to find the perpetrator killers, criminals, we look alike and brought to justice," he added.

In addition, it is also hoped the security forces did not burn people's houses, do not sweep-sweep.
"The authorities are not brutal security ya. Not conducting searches blindly, not melakukakn burning houses, schools. We knew we were led people know anybody that. I personally as the head of the people that do not tolerate crime. I am very sorry that. Not dignified, "he said.
It is said, that Pirime area is heavily populated areas are open baptized people. "Not hard at it, because it is not the same as other regions. If there we can know. People will be able to know and able to catch the perpetrators, "he said again.
About the current situation, said that he did not know for sure. "I do not know, I just communication with Mr. Wakapolda, so how could control the situation in the region. Communication remains the road, "he said.

Impartial condemns police attack Pirime Papua
Impartial Observer NGO Human Rights strongly condemns the attack on the Police Pirime Lany Jaya regency, Tuesday, November 27 at around 06.00 CET. Assault with shooting and burning of three police personnel against the spirit of collaboration, to create a zone of peace in Papua.
"Impartial condemn violence by killing and arson against police chief Jaya Ipda Pirime Lany Rolfi Takubesi and 2 members of Brigadier and Brigadier Daniel Jefri Rumkorem Makuker. Perpetrators of violence committed against the spirit together to make Papua a Land of Peace, "said Executive Director of Imparsial Poengki Indarti through electronic messages.

Imparsial hope, the Police immediately arrest the perpetrators.
"We hope the police can immediately arrest the perpetrators and bring them to the legal process," he said.
The attack is also a warning to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to immediately open a Jakarta-Papua dialogue. '
Given these events, it becomes very crucial for the President to immediately prepare for a peaceful dialogue with opposing parties, so that violence in Papua can be terminated immediately, "he explained.

Imparsial also asked the police to refrain from retaliation that would only worsen the situation. "We hope the police did not retaliate with violence in investigating this case, as it will only cause trauma for the community," he added.
Imparsial also stressed the Papua police chief for more vigorous conduct of operations against smuggling weapons into Papua.
"Papua Police Chief Imparsial again urged to intensify the arms smuggling operation. Drag and show the actors arms smuggling. If smuggling involves the military or other government officials, it must be dealt with firmly, "he said.
Cases of violence against police officers that occurred in November in Papua raises fears in the community that was already tired and traumatized by violence in Papua. (Mdc/aj/jir/don/l03)

Diduga OPM, Tembak Mati 3 Anggota Polisi
Rabu, 28 November 2012 08:24
Diduga OPM, Tembak Mati 3 Anggota Polisi
Socratez: Perjuangan OPM itu Bukan Bunuh-Bunuh Orang

AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK

JAYAPURA—Nahas menimpa Kapolsek  Pirime, Kabupaten Lanny  Jaya, Ipda Rolfi  Takubesi  bersama  dua  anggotanya, Brigpol Jefri Rumkorem dan Briptu Daniel Makuker.  Ketiganya  tewas  ditembak dan dibakar   sekitar  50  orang  dari  kelompok  yang diduga OPM pimpinan  Yani Tabuni    menggunakan  senjata api dan panah  ketika  menyerang  Kantor  Polsek  Pirime, Selasa (27/11) sekitar pukul 06.00  WIT.   
Kabid  Humas  Polda Papua  AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK ketika dikonfirmasi  pasca  kejadian  mengutarakan, saat kejadian tersebut Polsek Pirime sedang dihuni  4  anggotanya termasuk Kapolsek Pirime.   Saat ini satu anggota polisi dikabarkan selamat dalam  kejadian tersebut.
“Jadi di dalam Pos itu saat kejadian berapa orang  ada 4 orang dari 8 orang anggota.  Informasinya yang satu itu meninggal di tiang bendera mungkin lagi naikkan bendera. Kapolseknya tangannya  terpotong  dan dibakar,” kata dia. 
Ditambahkan,  saat ini satu pleton anggota Brimob dan tim khusus dari Polda Papua sudah mengejar  pelaku penyerangan. 
Sementara  itu,  kata  Kabid  Humas,  para  pelaku  juga  membawa kabur   3  senjata organik  jenis revolver, AR1 dan F5 Sabhara.  
Ditanya  ada indikasi  para  pelaku  lari kemana,  dia  mengatakan,  pihaknya  belum bisa memastikan. 
Menurutnya,  Polisi masih  mengejar pelaku penyerangan dengan mengerahkan 1 pleton anggota Brimob  dan Tim Khusus Polda Papua. 

Socratez : Pelaku Bukan OPM Terkait peristiwa penyerangan yang menewaskan Kapolsek Pirime Ipda Rofli Takabesi dan dua anggotanya yang bertugas di Pirime, Kabupaten Lani Jaya, Selasa (27/11) sekitar pukul 06.30 WIT, ditegaskan Socratez S Yoman, bawa pelakukan bukan kelompok OPM. “Itu bukan OPM. Perjuangan OPM itu bukan bunuh-bunuh orang atau ancaman teror atau intimidasi orang,” tegasnya saat menghubungi Bintang Papua, Selasa. 
Dikatakan bahwa tindakan tersebut adalah kriminal murni. “Saya pikir, saya sebagai pimpinan umat gereja yang punya umat di sana, saya pikir itu pelaku kriminal, penjahat yang tidak bisa ditoleransi. Itu bukan OPM,” lanjutnya.
Siapapun, ditekankan untuk tidak mengkambinghitamkan OPM. 
“Perjuangan OPM itu perjuangan yang terhormat. Tidak boleh bunuh-bunuh orang seperti itu. Bagaimana mengganggu aparat yang menjalankan tugas. Perjuangan OPM itu perjuangan yang mulia. Dan aparat itu menjalankan tugas negara yang juga merupakan tugas mulia,” ujarnya.
Sehingga, ia sangat berharap kepada aparat kemanan untuk menyikapi peristiwa tersebut dengan arif dan sesuai prosedur dan bersama-sama masyarakat setempat untuk mencari pelaku dan menggiringnya ke pengadilan untuk proses hukum. 
“Rakyat yang juga umat saya di sana, untuk mencari pelaku pembunuh itu, pelaku kriminal itu kita cari sama-sama dan diproses secara hukum,” harapnya. 
Selain itu, itu juga berharap kepada aparat keamanan tidak membakar rumah rakyat, tidak melakukan penyisiran-penyisiran. 
“Aparat kemanan tidak brutal ya. Tidak melakukan penyisiran yang membabi buta, tidak melakukakn pembakaran rumah-rumah, sekolah-sekolah. Kami tahu kami pimpinan umat tahu, siapa-siapa itu. Yang saya secara pribadi sebagai pimpinan umat tidak toleransi itu kejahatan itu. Saya sangat menyesal itu. Tidak bermartabat,” ungkapnya.
Dikatakan, bahwa wilayah Pirime adalah wilayah yang banyak penduduknya adalah umat Babtis yang terbuka. “Tidak sulit di situ, karena tidak sama dengan wilayah lain. Kalau di situ kita bisa tahu. Masyarakat bisa tahu dan bisa tangkap pelaku,” ungkapnya lagi. 
Tentang situasi terakhir, dikatakan bahwa ia belum mengetahui secara pasti. “Saya belum tahu, saya baru komunikasi dengan Pak Wakapolda, agar bagaimana bisa terkendali situasi di wilayah itu. Komunikasi tetap jalan,” ujarnya.

Imparsial Kutuk Penyerangan Polsek Pirime Papua
LSM Pemerhati HAM Imparsial mengutuk keras aksi penyerangan Polsek Pirime Kabupaten Lany Jaya, Selasa 27 November sekitar pukul 06.00 WIT. Penyerangan disertai penembakan dan pembakaran 3 personil Polsek sangat bertentangan dengan semangat bersama, untuk menciptakan Papua sebagai zona damai. 
“Imparsial mengutuk terjadinya kekerasan dengan cara pembunuhan dan pembakaran terhadap kapolsek Pirime Lany Jaya Ipda Rolfi Takubesi serta 2 anggotanya Brigadir Jefri Rumkorem dan Brigadir Daniel Makuker. Kekerasan yang dilakukan pelaku sangat bertentangan dengan semangat bersama untuk menjadikan Papua sebagai Tanah Damai,” ujar Poengki Indarti Direktur Eksekutif Imparsial melalui pesan elektroniknya. 
Imparsial berharap, aparat Kepolisian secepatnya menangkap para pelaku. 
“Kami berharap aparat kepolisian bisa segera menangkap pelaku dan membawanya ke proses hukum,”tegasnya. 
Peristiwa penyerangan ini juga sebagai peringatan kepada presiden SBY untuk segera membuka dialog Papua-Jakarta. “
Dengan adanya peristiwa ini, menjadi sangat krusial bagi Presiden SBY untuk segera mempersiapkan dialog damai dengan pihak-pihak yang berseberangan, agar kekerasan di Papua dapat segera diakhiri,”terangnya.
Imparsial juga meminta Polisi agar tidak melakukan aksi balasan yang hanya akan memperkeruh situasi. “Kami berharap aparat kepolisian tidak melakukan tindakan balasan dengan menggunakan kekerasan dalam mengusut kasus ini, karena hanya akan menimbulkan trauma bagi masyarakat,”imbuhnya.
Imparsial juga menekankan Kapolda Papua untuk lebih gencar melaksanakan operasi terhadap penyeludupan senjata ke Papua. 
“Imparsial  kembali mendesak Kapolda Papua untuk mengintensifkan operasi penyelundupan senjata. Seret dan tampilkan pelaku penyelundupan senjata. Jika penyelundupan tersebut melibatkan aparat militer atau aparat pemerintah yang lain, maka harus ditindak tegas,”tandasnya. 
Kasus kekerasan terhadap aparat kepolisian yang terjadi pada bulan November ini di Papua menimbulkan ketakutan pada masyarakat yang memang sudah lelah dan trauma dengan kekerasan di Papua.(mdc/aj/jir/don/l03)

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